
Natalia Cotic finalist at London Hopper Spotlight Competition

The London Hopper Colloquium 2024 – Competition for Women Researchers in Computer Science – took place at 66-72 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6EA today, 24 May 2024.

Natalia Cotic, first year PhD student in the COSMOS Team supervised by Professors Elaine Chew, Pier Lambiase, and Phil Chowienczyk, was among the finalists in the London Hopper Spotlight Competition, a friendly forum for female research Masters  and PhD students to communicate the gist of their work.

Natalia presented preliminary results on her work on music-based cardiorespiratory coupling, also in collaboration with Vanessa Pope and Mateusz Soliński. Natalia made new friends and received an award for crossing off all but one box in the bingo ice-breaker!

This year’s Hopper featured talks by Professor Yvonne Rogers (UCL) Professor Louise Brown (U of Nottingham) and industry speakers: Ana Sanchez (Cisco), Caitlin McAuley (ESPRC), and Angela Bates (BCS Women)

This year’s London Hopper was organised by Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (right) and colleagues at UCL. The London Hopper, for many years, was led by Caroline Wardle (center).