Marie Claire Greece interviews Elaine Chew on music and medicine in advance of her participation in the Athens Science Festival
Frankfurter Allgemeine : Music As Medicine
Johanna Kuroczik interviews Elaine Chew for the Falling Walls Special Edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeit Online Interview: Music is like Tai Chi for the autonomic nervous system
Claudia Wüstenhagen and Tom Kattwinkel interview Elaine Chew to get insights into music-heart-brain interactions and our HeartFM project
Harmonizing Health: The Music and Heart Connection In Falling Walls Art & Science Winner Interviews
Elaine Chew is among the 10 winners interviewed in the Falling Walls Global Call Art & Science category. Read about the inspiring work by the interviewees
LiveFixPodcast #51: The Beautiful Dance Between Our Heart, The Fan Experience and Live Music Performance
Had a blast with Christopher and Colleen Catania of the Live Fix Podcast on the tremendous and profound impact live music has on our hearts and human physiology. Don’t miss the part where Colleen asks what would happen if the hearts of two concert fans were transplanted and swapped.
Behind the scenes: ARTE.TV 42, La réponse à presque tout : Entendons-nous tous pareil ?
Behind the scenes in the filming of ARTE’s 42, La réponse à presque tout (the answer to almost everything) episode on sound and hearing
Emma Frid KTH News Interview: Music for all – according to need
Christer Gummeson interviews Emma Frid on her Swedish Research Council postdoctoral fellowship project for KTH News
Emma Frid Featured in the WoNoMute Interview Series
Emma Frid speaks to Karolina Jawad on her work on sound and music interfaces designed to promote health and inclusion
Unlocking the therapeutic power of music through mathematics (in French)
“Libérer le pouvoir thérapeutique de la musique grâce aux mathématiques” de la collection “Comment le ERC a transformé la science” en français
Cosmos featured in the European Research Council’s celebration of 10,000 grantees
Today, the ERC celebrates 10,000 grantees. We are grateful to be one of the 10,000 grantees, and one of the 15 stories featured on how the ERC transformed science