Conferences Lectures

Music, Mathematics, and the Heart at JIM2024 in Marseille

JIM 2024, the Journées d’Informatique Musicale 2024, took place 6-8 May 2024 in Marseille, France, at La Friche and at the CNRS Aiguier Campus. This annual meeting of the Association Francophone d’Informatique Musicale (AFIM) brings together researchers, developers and other musical denizens for whom computing is central to the dissemination, creation, interpretation, and pedagogy of their work.

This year’s conference celebrates Jean-Claude Risset‘s legacy in sound synthesis, live electronics and the use of the Disklavier for musical creation. Other themes were computational musicology (the intersection of music theory, computer science, data analysis to interpret musical structures using algorithms and statistics), empirical musicology (bridging the gap between subjective musical experience and objective analysis of musical phenomena using methods from psychology, statistics, acoustics, computer science), and immersion, multimodality, virtual reality for multisensory interactions.

To internationalise the conference, this year’s JIM keynotes were Elaine Chew (King’s College London, UK), David Meredith (Aalborg University, Denmark), Dave de Roure (Oxford University, UK), and Marco Stroppa (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart).

In the spirit of Disklavier research pioneered by Risset, Elaine integrated these demos into her keynote (videos courtesy of Charles de Paiva Santana):


Music, Mathematics, and the Heart: A mellifluous mélange
Keynote Pitch
: Mathematical and computational modeling of music is making inroads into cardiovascular diagnostics and therapeutics. From mathematical and computational modelling of tonality, to capturing expressive variations introduced by performers, to generating sonifications and compositions from heartbeats, to monitoring performer-listener cardio-respiratory signals, with real-time analysis and visualisations, these topics come together to inform arrhythmia experiences and heart-brain interaction. The talk touches upon the conference themes of Disklavier research pioneered by Risset, multimodal immersion, computational music structure analysis, and quantitative analysis of subjective music experience.

Amidst the arrival of the Olympic flame from Greece, in addition to the rich selection of lectures and concerts, participants were treated to Alan T., an interdisciplinary show bordering on opera for a singer, an actor, five musicians and audiovisual device, at La Criée – Théâtre National de Marseille on the old port.

JIM 2024 was co-organized by
PRISM (Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music), an interdisciplinary laboratory of the CNRS, Aix-Marseille University and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication,
AFIM (Association Francophone d’Informatique Musicale),
INCIAM (Institute for Creativity and Innovation), and
GMEM (Centre national de création musicale de Marseille).

The JIMs are supported by the DGCA (la Direction générale de la création artistique) and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.