Chew, E. (2016). Playing with the edge: Tipping points and the role of tonality. In Stephen McAdams, David Temperley, Alexander Rozin (eds.): Milestones in Music Cognition Special Issue, Music Perception, 33(3):344-366
Music Theory Online: Listening as a Creative Act
Smith, J. B. L., I. Schankler and E. Chew (2014). Listening as a Creative Act: Meaningful Differences in Structural Annotations of Improvised Performances. Music Theory Online 20.3.
ACM Multimedia: Explaining Structure Annotations Using Nonlinear Optimization
Smith, J.B.L. and E. Chew (2013). Using Quadratic Programming to Estimate Musical Attention from Self-Similarity Matrices. In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, October 21-25, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain.