Lectures Videos

COSMOS @ ERC Music Conference Barcelona Spain

COSMOS is one of 20 ERC projects on music featured at the European Research Music Conference organized by Xavier Serra 11-13 June 2018 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. The event was supported by ERC=Science², an EU-funded public engagement initiative. An exciting array of European Research Council (ERC) grantees gave presentations that were live streamed and […]

Publications Videos

Revealing the Thinking Behind Performance in New Thoughts on Piano Performance

Chew, E. (2017). From Sound to Structure: Synchronising Prosodic and Structural Information to Reveal the Thinking Behind Performance Decisions. In C. MacKie (ed.): New Thoughts on Piano Performance: Research at the Interface between Science and the Art of Piano Performance. Kindle Amazon. ISBN 978-164007055-4. Abstract: How a performer hears a piece is the determining factor […]