A 90-second video clip outlining three pieces of advice for young composers for the Manifeste 2019 festival of avant garde music at IRCAM. Source: [ Ircam Creation News ]
Data Science @ Uni Vienna Distinguished Lecture
A chance encounter with Professor Immanuel Bomze at the EURO conference in Valencia, Spain, in the summer of 2018 led to an invitation to give the third distinguished lecture, titled “The (Data) Science of Time: From Music to the Heart,” at the new Data Science @ Uni Vienna lecture series on 17 January 2019 hosted by Professor […]
Music & Science: Notating Music and Heart Rhythms
Links between music rhythms, performed timings and arrhythmia now in inaugural volume of Music & Science (open access) edited by Ian Cross
COSMOS @ ERC Music Conference Barcelona Spain
COSMOS is one of 20 ERC projects on music featured at the European Research Music Conference organized by Xavier Serra 11-13 June 2018 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. The event was supported by ERC=Science², an EU-funded public engagement initiative. An exciting array of European Research Council (ERC) grantees gave presentations that were live streamed and […]
Heart & Music @ St. Bartholomew-the-Great Church London
Heart & Music, at the intersection of cardiology and music, Monday, 11 June 2018, at the St. Bartholomew-the-Great Church in West Smithfield, London.
Optimization and Music Data Science Keynote @ EURO2018 Valencia Spain
Music keynote at EURO2018, the largest European Conference for Operational Research and Management Science, in Valencia, Spain.
Arrhythmia Suite world première @ Stanford CCRMA Music and the Brain Symposium
Livestream of concert with world premiere of the Arrhythmia Suite at the 2018 Music and the Brain Symposium at Stanford’s CCRMA.
Revealing the Thinking Behind Performance in New Thoughts on Piano Performance
Chew, E. (2017). From Sound to Structure: Synchronising Prosodic and Structural Information to Reveal the Thinking Behind Performance Decisions. In C. MacKie (ed.): New Thoughts on Piano Performance: Research at the Interface between Science and the Art of Piano Performance. Kindle Amazon. ISBN 978-164007055-4. Abstract: How a performer hears a piece is the determining factor […]
Music Perception BKN Special Issue: Tipping Points
Chew, E. (2016). Playing with the edge: Tipping points and the role of tonality. In Stephen McAdams, David Temperley, Alexander Rozin (eds.): Milestones in Music Cognition Special Issue, Music Perception, 33(3):344-366
Music Theory Online: Listening as a Creative Act
Smith, J. B. L., I. Schankler and E. Chew (2014). Listening as a Creative Act: Meaningful Differences in Structural Annotations of Improvised Performances. Music Theory Online 20.3.