Many thanks to the organisers Amarjit Myers, Cat Allman, and Daniel Hook (Digital Science), Deborah Sweet (Nature), Mira Lane (Google), and Tim O’Reilly (O’Reilly), for yet another intense, fun filled, and thought provoking Sci Foo. The first #scifoo outside the US.
EC here. Thrilled to be invited back to SciFoo after 8 years––see 2016 blogposts before & after––for 3 scintillating days of connecting, discussing, and learning at this gathering of scientists, technologists and policymakers 26-28 July 2024 at the Møller Institute and Churchill College at Cambridge University.

Great place to introduce the idea of Music Theranostics – music based digital therapeutics and precision diagnostics – at a Lightning Talk (together with pointers to CosmoNote and the upcoming PhysmoNote) and give a live demonstration of the HeartFM mobile and desktop visualisation apps to show music’s effect on cardiovascular variables. Delighted that Music Theranostics made it onto Becky James’ wall art, together with Denis Noble’s breathing to Schubert’s Op.100 !
So many brilliant ideas, such curious and engaged minds, still digesting …