Music keynote at EURO2018, the largest European Conference for Operational Research and Management Science, in Valencia, Spain.
Author: E C
MazurkaBL: Loudness and beat data for 2000 Chopin Mazurkas @ TENOR 2018
Kosta, Katerina, Oscar F. Bandtlow, Elaine Chew (2018). MazurkaBL: Score-aligned loudness, beat, and expressive markings data for 2000 Chopin Mazurka recordings. In Proc. TENOR, 24-26 May 2018, Montreal, Canada.
Revealing the Thinking Behind Performance in New Thoughts on Piano Performance
Chew, E. (2017). From Sound to Structure: Synchronising Prosodic and Structural Information to Reveal the Thinking Behind Performance Decisions. In C. MacKie (ed.): New Thoughts on Piano Performance: Research at the Interface between Science and the Art of Piano Performance. Kindle Amazon. ISBN 978-164007055-4. Abstract: How a performer hears a piece is the determining factor […]
Automatic Interpretation of Music Structure Analysis @ ISMIR 2017
Smith, J. B. L., and E. Chew. 2017. Automatic interpretation of music structure analyses: A validated technique for post-hoc estimation of the rationale for an annotation. Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Suzhou, China. 435–41. Annotations of musical structure usually provide a low level of detail: they include boundary locations and […]
The Spiral Array Tension Model @ TENOR 2016
Herremans D., Chew E. (2016). Tension ribbons: Quantifying and visualising tonal tension. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR), 27-29 May 2016, Cambridge, UK. Tension is a complex multidimensional concept that is not easily quantified. This research proposes three methods for quantifying aspects of tonal tension based on […]
Music Perception BKN Special Issue: Tipping Points
Chew, E. (2016). Playing with the edge: Tipping points and the role of tonality. In Stephen McAdams, David Temperley, Alexander Rozin (eds.): Milestones in Music Cognition Special Issue, Music Perception, 33(3):344-366
Music Theory Online: Listening as a Creative Act
Smith, J. B. L., I. Schankler and E. Chew (2014). Listening as a Creative Act: Meaningful Differences in Structural Annotations of Improvised Performances. Music Theory Online 20.3.