Emma Frid to present work on Sonification of Women in Sound and Music Computing at the first seminar on cyber-feminism
Daniel Bedoya leads CosmoNote Preview at CitSciVirtual 2021
A preview of CosmoNote, our citizen science platform for marking performed structures, at CitSciVirtual 2021
Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart: From Mathematics to the Mind
The Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart, 17-18 November 2019, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard: Participants, reviews, photos, links.
Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart @ Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (Harvard)
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University hosts Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart on 17-18 November 2019.
WiMIR Workshop Project: MIR Rhythm Analysis for Arrhythmia Sequences
Working on MIR rhythm analysis techniques for arrhythmia ECG sequences at the inaugural Women in Music Information Retrieval (WiMIR) workshop
WiMIR Workshop 2018 @ Télécom ParisTech
Prof. Chew will be leading an investigation on applying music information retrieval (MIR) rhythm analysis techniques to arrhythmia ECG sequences (details below) at the inaugural WiMIR (Women in MIR) Workshop to take place at Télécom ParisTech on 28 September 2018. The workshop is scheduled to follow the annual ISMIR (International Conference on MIR) conference in Paris 23-27 September 2018. […]