Events Workshops

Emma Frid speaking at Féminisme – Musique – Technologie

Emma Frid will present her work on Sonification of Women in Sound and Music Computing – The Sound of Female Authorship in ICMC, SMC and NIME Proceedings at the second seminar on cyber-feminism, Féminisme – Musique – Technologie, to take place Saturday, 19 June 2021, 2pm – 6pm, as part of this year’s Manifeste.

The event, organised by Sarah Fdili Alaoui (Université Paris-Saclay, LISN), Frédéric Bevilacqua (IRCAM-STMS), Stéphanie Pécourt, Sara Anedda (Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles), Suzanne Berthy, and Sylvie Benoit (IRCAM), features researchers and artists who address the themes of cyber-feminism by crossing social issues of inclusion and intersectionality with technological and cultural contexts.

The presenters are:
Caroline Bassett, Professor University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Cécile Chevalier, Lecturer University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Sharon Webb, Lecturer University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Karolina Jawad, NTNU/UiO researcher (Norway)
Anna Xambó Sedó, Senior Lecturer De Montfort University (United Kingdom)
Emma Frid, IRCAM-STMS researcher (France)
Hyacinthe Ravet, Sorbonne University professor and Institute for Research in Musicology (IReMus)(France)