We celebrated the success of the (literally) soft lauch of Tachy-tiles (TACHYcardia TactTILE Feedback), our soft haptic platform for experiencing irregular heartbeats through touch.
KCL PhD Studentship in Data Science and Analytics for Cardiac Response to Music
OPEN PHD POSITION: A music-physiology data science doctoral scholarship now open to international applicants for October 2023 entry
World Piano Day : Heart.FM study launch
Fancy having your blood pressure taken and continuously monitored while listening to music ? This is the study for you !
World Piano Day : Mateusz hams it up with EnPRO 42
We celebrate World Piano Day and the launch of the Heart.FM study for hypertensive and healthy volunteers in the interim EnPRO lab
Katherine Kinnaird inventor of Aligned Hierarchies visits for sabbatical
A warm welcome to Katie Kinnaird who is visiting King’s College London for her sabbatical from Smith College
PhD in Digital Music Therapeutics for Precision Cardiovascular Medicine
Recruiting UK Home PhD in Engineering at KCL to be supervised by Profs Elaine Chew, Phil Chowienczyk, Pier Lambiase. Apply by 15 Feb 2023
Mateusz Soliński and Courtney Reed are new postdoctoral research associates in COSMOS
Welcome to Mateusz Solinski and Courtney Reed who recently joined as postdoctoral research associates on the ERC COSMOS project
John Chowning, Stanford CCRMA founder & FM synthesis inventor, visits
Inspirational inventor of FM synthesis and founder of CCRMA visits on 11 April 2022 en route from the Chauvet caves in Vallon to Stanford
KCL News : Professor Elaine Chew welcomed as first joint academic between faculties
Professor Chew is warmly welcomed by both Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences and the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine
ERC COSMOS in London recruiting Perception/Design Analytics Postdocs & Research Software Engineer
Research Software Engineer and Perception/Design Analytics Postdoc ads now live and accepting applications (Closing 19 Sep 2022)