ENS CDSN doctoral fellow Paul Lascabettes is among the STMS doctoral students presenting research at end of first year at the « Journée des doctorantes et des doctorants »
Emma Frid KTH News Interview: Music for all – according to need
Christer Gummeson interviews Emma Frid on her Swedish Research Council postdoctoral fellowship project for KTH News
Emma Frid Featured in the WoNoMute Interview Series
Emma Frid speaks to Karolina Jawad on her work on sound and music interfaces designed to promote health and inclusion
Unlocking the therapeutic power of music through mathematics (in French)
“Libérer le pouvoir thérapeutique de la musique grâce aux mathématiques” de la collection “Comment le ERC a transformé la science” en français
Emily Graber Wins Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellowship for EAR STRETCH
Do you find complex, contemporary music difficult and alienating? Would that change if you could control the tempo of the music? Emily Graber’s Marie Curie Fellowship EAR STRETCH aims to increase appreciation for contemporary music by providing active tempo control with physiological monitoring
STMS Lab Doctoral Student Day
Daniel Bedoya and Paul Lascabettes gave presentations at the STMS Lab’s Doctoral Student Day
Still Zoomin’
Two lockdowns later, the group is still meeting regularly on zoom / Skype
Bösendorfer Enspire PRO: Regulation, tuning, calibration
No.42 gets a much-appreciated regulation, tuning, and calibration.
CNRS le journal / Le Monde: Le piano virtuose
“CNRS le journal” has published the video on our work, “Le piano virtuose”, in partnership with the French newspaper “Le Monde”. Many thanks to Pierre de Parscau for the fine cinematography and editing, and Nicolas Baker for the excellent production!
Paul Lascabettes wins AFIM Young Researcher Award
Paul Lascabettes wins the AFIM (French Association of Computer Music) Young Researcher Award at the Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM 2020) in Strasbourg for his ATIAM Masters research with Carlos Agon and Isabelle Bloch