Three papers presented at Computing in Cardiology 2019 in Singapore. Applying music information research to cardiovascular science. Arrhythmia Suite featured at conference banquet.
Postdoc in mathematical and computational modeling of musical structures
This position is now closed. Job description also at CNRS Job Portal in English and in French. Apply HERE.Note: applications are solicited in English but instructions are in French; non French speakers may find the DeepL online translater useful. Title of post Postdoc (M/F) in the mathematical and computational modeling of musical structures General information […]
PhD in computational data science for musical structure discovery
This position is now closed. Job description will shortly be on the CNRS Job Portal in English and in French with application link. Apply HERE.Note: applications are solicited in English but instructions are in French; non French speakers may find the DeepL online translater useful. Title of post PhD M/F in computational data science for […]
Engineer in audio/graphics interface design and data analysis/visualization
Open position for engineer to join the COSMOS team at the STMS Lab at IRCAM. The engineer will be in charge of developing or setting up computer tools for the web-based annotation, computational analysis, scientific visualization, and manipulation of musical structures in music performances and cardiac arrhythmia data.
COSMOS begins 1 June 2019 at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, France, where it is hosted at the Sciences et technologies de la musique et du son (STMS) Lab. The COSMOS project aims to study musical structures as they are created in performance and in cardiac arrhythmia sequences using data science, citizen science, and […]
Music & Science: Notating Music and Heart Rhythms
Links between music rhythms, performed timings and arrhythmia now in inaugural volume of Music & Science (open access) edited by Ian Cross
MazurkaBL: Loudness and beat data for 2000 Chopin Mazurkas @ TENOR 2018
Kosta, Katerina, Oscar F. Bandtlow, Elaine Chew (2018). MazurkaBL: Score-aligned loudness, beat, and expressive markings data for 2000 Chopin Mazurka recordings. In Proc. TENOR, 24-26 May 2018, Montreal, Canada.
Revealing the Thinking Behind Performance in New Thoughts on Piano Performance
Chew, E. (2017). From Sound to Structure: Synchronising Prosodic and Structural Information to Reveal the Thinking Behind Performance Decisions. In C. MacKie (ed.): New Thoughts on Piano Performance: Research at the Interface between Science and the Art of Piano Performance. Kindle Amazon. ISBN 978-164007055-4. Abstract: How a performer hears a piece is the determining factor […]
Automatic Interpretation of Music Structure Analysis @ ISMIR 2017
Smith, J. B. L., and E. Chew. 2017. Automatic interpretation of music structure analyses: A validated technique for post-hoc estimation of the rationale for an annotation. Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Suzhou, China. 435–41. Annotations of musical structure usually provide a low level of detail: they include boundary locations and […]
The Spiral Array Tension Model @ TENOR 2016
Herremans D., Chew E. (2016). Tension ribbons: Quantifying and visualising tonal tension. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR), 27-29 May 2016, Cambridge, UK. Tension is a complex multidimensional concept that is not easily quantified. This research proposes three methods for quantifying aspects of tonal tension based on […]