Elaine Chew and collaborator Gérard Assayag (ERC REACH) are part of a panel on AI’s impact on artistic creation at the Night of Ideas
Piano-AI Dialog and Heart-Breath Visuals in Mystery Machines at MES2024
Elaine Chew and Gérard Assayag present Elez / Boulaine with Somax2 and HeartFM at the closing concert of Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore
Performers(‘) Present 2023 Plenary at YST Conservatory of Music
Elaine Chew gives plenary at Performers(‘) Present 2023 at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music at the National University of Singapore
Barts900 : The Musical Heart, Cardiac health and pathology through a musical lens
Lecture-performance on synergies between music and cardiology speckled with musical examples and a HeartFM technology demonstration
Elaine Chew gives demonstration of music as mechanism for cardiology insights at Rythmo-Lyon
Elaine Chew gives a demonstration of arrhythmia music and music-induced cardiac response at Les Rencontres Lyonnaises de Cardiologie
Une affaire de cœur for Bernard Lubat Day @ Complex Systems Institute Paris
Elaine Chew to perform Boulez’s Piano Sonata No.1 and variations based on cardiac arrhythmias, and lecture on where musical structures live at the “Around Bernard Lubat” Day. Lubat and OMax to co-create hybrid improvisation based on the virtual Boulez derived from Chew’s performance.
Heart & Music @ MIT Killian Hall – Photos and Short Recordings
Photos and video snippets from the Heart & Music: Stolen Rhythms concert event featuring an introduction to arrhythmia by Pier Lambiase and piano concert by Elaine Chew featuring music based on stolen rhythms.
Heart & Music @ MIT Killian Hall – Announcement
Heart and Music – talk by Pier Lambiase and concert by Elaine Chew Sunday, 17 November 2019, 3pm @ MIT Killian Hall – An arts-science-medicine performance and lecture event exploring connections between music and heart rhythms.
COSMOS YouTube Channel Now LIVE!
Announcing the COSMOS YouTube Channel, where we will be posting videos related to the ERC project COSMOS. For starters, the channel currently features three small video collections:
Heart & Music @ London’s Being Human Festival
Part of London’s Being Human Festival, Heart & Music will take place in QMUL’s Octagon (in the Queen’s Building, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS) at 1PM on Tuesday, 20 November 2018, with an interactive workshop at 2:30PM-3PM. This is the first event of the Keyboard Evolution series at QMUL that day. Admissions is FREE. Heart & Music is […]