Lecture-performance on synergies between music and cardiology speckled with musical examples and a HeartFM technology demonstration
Ivan Tcherepnin’s Fêtes – Variations on Happy Birthday for Barts 900
Elaine Chew plays Ivan Tcherepnin’s Happy Birthday Variations to thank the doctors and nurses at Barts Heart Centre who treated her some years ago
Undercover Agents from NMES comms check out the HeartFM study
The NMES comms undercover agents Lizzie Ellen and Emily Pulham report on their HeartFM experience on instagram and twitter
World Piano Day : Mateusz hams it up with EnPRO 42
We celebrate World Piano Day and the launch of the Heart.FM study for hypertensive and healthy volunteers in the interim EnPRO lab
What happens when the heart ages: Mouse #1730 at 6 months and 30 months
A result of conversations with Ed Lakatta, music of heartbeats of Mouse #1730 at 6 months (young) and 30 months (old)
Elaine Chew gives TAU MET Seminar and is “opponent” for Jiyeong Kim’s PhD on heart cell beat-to-beat dynamics
Esa Räsänen invites Elaine to TAU as a MET International Seminar Series speaker and Jiyeong Kim’s thesis “opponent” on heart cell beating dynamics
Citizen Science and Frontier Research at the ERC Executive Agency
ERC grantees share research involving citizen science at annual event: topics included music, fruitflies, women’s health, and air pollution
CosmoNote at ERC Annual Event : Citizen Science and Frontier Research
Elaine Chew is panelist and CosmoNote part of exhibition at ERC Annual Event: Citizen Science and Frontier Research
New! Stolen Rhythms collection in CosmoNote for Global Atrial Fibrillation Aware Week #GAFAW2022
New collage music added to Stolen Rhythms for Global Atrial Fibrillation Aware Week. CosmoNote tools can annotate ECGs too!
Elaine Chew gives PRiSM / RNCM Sir John Manduell Research Forum
Elaine Chew speaks on Music & the Heart: A Math-Tech Perspective, RNCM Sir John Manduell Research Forum hosted by PRiSM Director Emily Howard