The digital première of the MorpheuS piece, Eine neue “Für Elise”, will take place 15 December 2020 at 12h15 GMT, soon after creator Dorien Herremans begins her keynote lecture at the 15th Digital Music Research Network. It is also in the early earth hours on 16 December 2020, which is the 250th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven, composer of the original Für Elise.
The new composition is based on the rhythms, repeated patterns, and tension profiles of Beethoven’s original work. Here is an excerpt from the score generated by MorpheuS with minor engraving edits.

The MorpheuS music generation system was designed by Dorien Herremans and Elaine Chew, and implemented by Herremans as part of her Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Fellowship 2015-2017. More MorpheuS pieces can be found in the playlist below.
Dorien Herremans is now an Assistant Professor of Information Technology at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, where she leads the AMAAI lab and Directs the SUTD Game Lab. In the video below, Dorien and Elaine explain how MorpheuS works.