Was Beethoven’s possible arrhythmia responsible for his distinctive rhythms? Learn about ventricular ectopics and the making of Arrhythmia Suite, III., from his Fifth Symphony
Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month: Holter Highlights in Music
Are arrhythmia inherently musical? What does arrhythmia feel like? Listen to these musical renditions of snippets of ECG from a patient with atrial fibrillation and other rhythm disturbances and judge for yourself.
New release: Le Piano Virtuose Trailer
The CNRS has released a tongue-in-cheek “trailer” for the CNRS Images short film about the Cosmos project, “Le Piano Virtuose,” on its Zeste de Science YouTube channel.
Inaugural Sci Foo Alumni Lightning Talk Series now public
The Lightning Talks, a Sci Foo Camps highlight, has been covid-migrated online. Putting (One’s) Heart Into Music was one of the 5-minute talks at the inaugural event 13-15 May 2021
The Making of CosmoNote: Lawrence Fyfe and Daniel Bedoya present video and field questions at Web Audio Conference
Lawrence Fyfe, software engineer of the CosmoNote citizen science platform, and sound engineer / perception doctoral researcher Daniel Bedoya to answer questions on CosmoNote following video at World Audio Conference.
Emma Frid Presents Heart Transplant COVID-19 Patient + Medical Team Heartbeat Sonification at ICAD 2021
Emma Frid reports on sonification of heartbeat coherence between a heart transplant COVID-19 patient and the medical team at the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2021)
Boulez: Trois Fragments d’une ébauche
Three versions of Boulez’s Fragment d’une ébauche, dedicated to Jean-Marie Lehn in 1987 on the occasion of his Nobel prize in Chemistry.
Digital première: Eine neue “Für Elise” (15.12.2020, 12h15 GMT)
Digital première of MorpheuS’ Eine neue “Für Elise” set for 15 December 2020 at 12h15 GMT, in first earth hour of Beethoven’s 250th birthday
CNRS le journal / Le Monde: Le piano virtuose
“CNRS le journal” has published the video on our work, “Le piano virtuose”, in partnership with the French newspaper “Le Monde”. Many thanks to Pierre de Parscau for the fine cinematography and editing, and Nicolas Baker for the excellent production!
CNRS Images films video report on Cosmos
A day spent filming a video report on Cosmos and the Bösendorfer Enspire PRO with Pierre de Parscau for CNRS Images