Euraxess ASEAN presents Dorien Herremans and Elaine Chew in a Meet My Lab webinar moderated by Lonce Wyse. Discussion focusses on the MorpheuS music generation system
Author: E C
Cosmos featured in the European Research Council’s celebration of 10,000 grantees
Today, the ERC celebrates 10,000 grantees. We are grateful to be one of the 10,000 grantees, and one of the 15 stories featured on how the ERC transformed science
Daniel Bedoya leads CosmoNote Preview at CitSciVirtual 2021
A preview of CosmoNote, our citizen science platform for marking performed structures, at CitSciVirtual 2021
STMS Lab Doctoral Student Day
Daniel Bedoya and Paul Lascabettes gave presentations at the STMS Lab’s Doctoral Student Day
Still Zoomin’
Two lockdowns later, the group is still meeting regularly on zoom / Skype
Bösendorfer Enspire PRO: Regulation, tuning, calibration
No.42 gets a much-appreciated regulation, tuning, and calibration.
Boulez: Trois Fragments d’une ébauche
Three versions of Boulez’s Fragment d’une ébauche, dedicated to Jean-Marie Lehn in 1987 on the occasion of his Nobel prize in Chemistry.
Digital première: Eine neue “Für Elise” (15.12.2020, 12h15 GMT)
Digital première of MorpheuS’ Eine neue “Für Elise” set for 15 December 2020 at 12h15 GMT, in first earth hour of Beethoven’s 250th birthday
CNRS le journal / Le Monde: Le piano virtuose
“CNRS le journal” has published the video on our work, “Le piano virtuose”, in partnership with the French newspaper “Le Monde”. Many thanks to Pierre de Parscau for the fine cinematography and editing, and Nicolas Baker for the excellent production!
Paul Lascabettes wins AFIM Young Researcher Award
Paul Lascabettes wins the AFIM (French Association of Computer Music) Young Researcher Award at the Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM 2020) in Strasbourg for his ATIAM Masters research with Carlos Agon and Isabelle Bloch