Originally on 26 Mar 2020. Postpone / canceled due to COVID. Thanks to Mathieu Giraud of the Algomus Team (members include Louis Bigo, Florence Levé, Richard Groult, and Ken Déguernel) at the University of Lille, Elaine Chew has been invited to present the Cosmos project at the Colloquium Polaris, a seminar series of the CRIStAL […]
Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart: From Mathematics to the Mind
The Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart, 17-18 November 2019, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard: Participants, reviews, photos, links.
Heart & Music @ MIT Killian Hall – Photos and Short Recordings
Photos and video snippets from the Heart & Music: Stolen Rhythms concert event featuring an introduction to arrhythmia by Pier Lambiase and piano concert by Elaine Chew featuring music based on stolen rhythms.
Heart & Music @ MIT Killian Hall – Announcement
Heart and Music – talk by Pier Lambiase and concert by Elaine Chew Sunday, 17 November 2019, 3pm @ MIT Killian Hall – An arts-science-medicine performance and lecture event exploring connections between music and heart rhythms.
Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart @ Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (Harvard)
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University hosts Exploratory Seminar on Music and the Heart on 17-18 November 2019.
Elaine Chew gives Public Lecture @ MIT’s Music and Theater Arts
Musical Structures, Performances, and Arrhythmias Date/Time: Thursday, 21 November 2019, 5:30pmLocation: MIT Room 4-270Street address: 182 Memorial Drive, Cambridge MA 02139, USA AbstractMusical performance is widely regarded to be one of the most breathtaking feats of human intelligence, but the nature of this creative act remains illusive and studies on expressive performance still lag behind […]
COSMOS YouTube Channel Now LIVE!
Announcing the COSMOS YouTube Channel, where we will be posting videos related to the ERC project COSMOS. For starters, the channel currently features three small video collections:
COSMOS Project Launch Meeting @ Ircam
CNRS Délégation Paris-Villejuif visits Ircam for COSMOS project launch (administrative)
Elaine Chew gives EWGLA XXV Keynote in Brussels
Lecture on optimization and music data science, and the upcoming work of COSMOS at the EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) Working Group on Locational Analysis EWGLA XXV at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels
Elaine Chew gives Keynote Lecture @ the Karajan Conference in Graz
A keynote at the conference in Graz, Herbert von Karajan and the Interpretation of Music, introduced the core tenets of the COSMOS project, applied to Karajan’s recordings.